Business Affiliate

Partnering with Katalyst Kampus may be the easiest money you’ll ever make.  Passive income is a financial bonus many financially successful individuals and companies strive to acquire. With your help, we’ll provide the conduit for individuals to join this amazing industry. With the introduction of Katalyst Kampus – Your Mortgage and Business School we can drastically improve your company’s bottom-line while creating a new army of driven, successful mortgage professionals

Our industry has a huge gap training new mortgage brokers, loan officers, processors, and underwriters. I have seen mortgage brokers come and go in the industry since 2008 and the statistic of ONE out of Five making it, is unacceptable. Why are most banks and mortgage companies providing just a computer and an office for the new hires? It’s simple: it’s because they do not have the time, the know-how, the staffing, the expertise, or the money to create a training or an adequate mentoring program.

I had not thought about my school as being a marketing tool until an Account Executive for one of the largest lenders in the Northwest said she would love to use my school as a marketing tool for herself to help mortgage companies like the one I used to work for. Hence the affiliate opportunity came to life.

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when you send new students to Katalyst Kampus
online mortgage and business school.